What is this studykit?

This study kit encompasses topics from arrays, linkedlist, stacks, queues, and sorting. The patterns covered are two-pointers, fast and slow pointers, sliding window, in place reversal.

Master your fundamentals. This study kit is perfect for anyone who wants to get a firm grasp on topics like strings, arrays, Linked List, stacks, and queues. We cover 5 different patterns for these data structures with varying degrees of problems.

Why one more study kit?

I noticed that when starting with practice there is too much information out there. Additionally, most of the questions asked by companies these days are medium. Trying to solve medium problems directly can result in failure and will cause unnecessary frustration. I have found all the easy problems that can help understand the patterns. Additionally, I have also ordered the problems in a way that you practice one pattern over and over for 3 days to have recognition on it.

What is the Time commitment for this study kit?

The study kit requires between 7-15 hours of time commitment depending on where you are at your interview preparation stage. POD is compulsory while POD++ is optional. If you are just starting out, stick to POD, if you are actively interviewing, aim for POD++

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